Courses offered at the International Summer School in Economics and Management in Havana
This is an outline of courses that will be offered during ISSEM 2024.
There is a core set of courses which are offered every year. In total we should be able to offer between 8 and 10 courses.
The following courses will be offered during ISSEM 2024
Economics (FWB VWL Bachelor 3SP)
- Introduction to Labor Economics (Prof. Michael C. Burda, Ph.D., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Economics (FWB VWL Bachelor oder Master 3SP)
- Policy Evaluation - Estimating Causal Effects in Economics (Prof. Dr. Michael Kvasnicka, Universität von Magdeburg)
- Development Economics (Prof. Aaro Hazak, Ph.D., Talinn University of Technology, Estonia)
- Economic Development and Political Economy Dilemmas: Recent Experiences in Latin America, the Caribbean and Cuba (Prof. Dr. Antonio Romero, Universidad de La Habana, Prof. Dr. Juan Triana)
- Introduction to Game Theory (professor tba)
Business and Management (FWB BWL Bachelor oder Master 3SP)
- Marketing Research (Prof. Dr. Hildebrandt, MSc. Mareike Sachse, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Foundations of International Accounting (Prof. Dr. Ulf Brüggemann, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Quantitative Methods (FWB Methodische Grundlagen Bachelor oder Master 3SP)
Überfachlicher Wahlbereich (ÜWP Bachelor 5SP)
- Applied Entrepreneurship & Design Thinking (Dipl. VW. Dietmar Fischer, PhD Mana Taheri, M.Sc. Martin Funck, Hasso Plattner Institut, Potsdam)
The following courses were taught during ISSEM 2022
Economics & Quantitative Methods:
- International Economic Integration (Prof. Michael C. Burda, Ph.D., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Policy Evaluation - Estimating Causal Effects in Economics (Prof. Dr. Michael Kvasnicka, Universität von Magdeburg)
- Development Economics (Prof. Aaro Hazak, Ph.D., Talinn University of Technology, Estonia)
- Introduction to Environmental Economics (Prof. (retired) Dr. Bengt-Arne Wickström, Andrássy-Universität Budapest, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Panel Data Econometrics (Prof. Dr. Martin Spieß, Universität Hamburg)
- Cuban Economics and Political Economy (Prof. Dr. Antonio Romero, Lic. Henry Colina, Prof. Dr. Juan Triana)
Business & Management:
- Applied Entrepreneurship & Design Thinking (M.Sc Mana Taheri, Pablo Abbis, Martin Funck, Hasso Plattner Institut, Potsdam)
- Marketing Research (Prof. Dr. Hildebrandt, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Foundations of International Accounting (Prof. Dr. Ulf Brüggemann, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)